Revised cover art for DG's new recording of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto.

Mendelssohn Chain Saw Massacre

Revised cover art for DG's new recording of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto.
Revised cover art courtesy Photohop Insurgent (I should never have told him the anecdote). For enlarged version, click here.

This past Saturday, Anne-Sophie Mutter gave what may be the very worst concerto performance I have ever heard from a ‘front rank’ soloist. After the concert, I ran into a prominent violinist, mentioned that I would have strongly preferred that she had been the soloist (she wisely attended a ballet performance with friends), and – with my usual good taste and restraint – said the Mutter did to the Mendelssohn what Leatherface did to all of those teenagers in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The rest of the concert, thankfully, was far better. My assessment of the New York Philharmonic’s concert in honor of Mendelssohn’s 200th birthday is up at