America Versus the Supremos’ Appalling Ruling on Corporate Megabucks in Political Campaigns

It’s no surprise, but it still sets back the cause of democracy.

In an enormous victory for the corporatist right, the Supreme Court has struck down regulations on corporate campaign money. Corporations are still not permitted to give money directly to federal candidates or national party committees, but based on the conduct of Chief Judicial Activist John Roberts, that may soon be down the toilet.

How should Americans handle the matter? I’m in complete agreement with blogger SeriousFun:

Impeach Justice Roberts!

An activist Supreme Court delivered a stunning blow to the core of Democracy today.

Corporations are not persons, and money is not speech.

Every one of us, Democrat and Republican, rich and poor, Liberal and Conservative, has been dealt a blow today by powerful corporate interests who have taken over our representative Democracy and turned it into a way to transparently funnel every available bit of wealth and powerful to the already wealthy and powerful.

This is the stuff that all of should be marching on Washington D. C. to protest.

Instead, the disaffected on all sides of the political and economic fight point fingers at each other while the corporate takeover of our government destroys our society.

Stand up! Socialists, Teabaggers, moderates, and party faithfuls. You, unless you are already part of the wealthiest 1%, have had your representation stolen!

I couldn’t have said it better.

Crossposted to APJ.