Monday Morning Laugh: Saint Peter Meets a Musician

Via Gerald-Kocher-via-Richard-Schneider:

A doctor dies and just before the gates of heaven he meets the gatekeeper St. Peter. St Peter asks

“Why shall I let you pass through the gates into heaven?” The doctor replies “I’ve led a good life, been a good husband, and saved many lives”. St Peter replies “You may enter”. With that the gates go up and he enters into eternal life.


A lawyer dies and just before the Golden Gates meets St. Peter. St Peter asks “Why shall I let you pass through the gates into heaven?” The lawyer replies “I’ve led a good life, been a good husband, and help many innocent people triumph”. St Peter replies “You may enter”. With that the gates go up and he enters into eternal life.

A musician dies and just before the Magnificent Golden Gates of heaven he meets St Peter. St Peter asks “Why shall I let you pass through the gates into heaven?” The musician replies “I’ve led a good life, been a good husband, and entertained people through my music, making them happy”. St Peter replies “You may enter…just go around these gates, through the kitchen, up the stairs, through the long corridor….”